39 Garage Sale Tips to Maximize Sales

Throwing a garage auction is the best way to get rid of all your onetime stuff and make some extra cash at the aforementioned time.

Anyone can put their erstwhile stuff on the lawn and call it a garage sale...

...merely if y'all desire to take a successful, profitable garage sale, one that actually gets rid of your former stuff and makes yous a ton of coin, you need to know how to take a garage auction like the pros.


There are countless things beginning timers mess upwardly:

  • Garage sale pricing
  • Advertising their sale
  • Setting upward the sale to drive sales
  • Sales tactics(that are effective at a garage sale)
  • Etc.

When yous mess these things upwards, you're non merely going to be left with a agglomeration of items at the end of the day... you're going to exist throwing away coin y'all could take easily fabricated.

This post put together the ultimate guide to garage sales. It's packed with 39 piece of cake-to-follow garage sale tips and is guaranteed to plough any garage sale beginner into an expert.


How to Take a Successful Garage Auction

These expert garage sale tips are broken downward into chronological order (based on how far away your sale is). Read through the whole commodity, then bookmark it and revisit it as you get closer to hosting your garage sale.

Know your Sale Type: Garage Sale, G Sale, Tag Sale or Community Sale

Garage sale and m sale are synonymous... the chief deviation beingness the location where the sale is hosted (the garage vs the yard).

A tag sale, a term often used on the East Declension, is a garage or thou sale where each item has a "tag" displaying a price on it.

A community sale is a garage sale/yard sale when neighbors and/or friends get together and pool their items to host a larger, more than substantial auction.

This guide is specifically talking about garage/yard sale tips, but this communication can be applied to any of the above auction types.

Here's the affair:

Whatever you phone call it, there are a lot of them and they make a lot of money:

According to research washed past StatisticBrain.com:

  • In that location are more than 165,000 sales each calendar week in the U.S.
  • Collectively, they bring in more than $4.iv million each calendar week.]

Is a Garage Sale Your All-time (Most Profitable) Choice?

Hither's something a lot of start-time garage sellers don't realize:

A garage sale isn't necessarily the best, most assisting way to sell your items.

There are sure types of items that if y'all sell them at a yard auction, yous'll be throwing away coin. For case...

Type #one. Rare or collectible

Things like an original issue of Fantastic Iv #i or a baseball signed by Infant Ruth.

Sell these items on eBay, Craigslist, or via an auction house. While it might exist a fiddling more work...

...you'll go considerably more money than you would selling them at a garage auction.

Type #2. Vintage or antique

Do you own piece of furniture that's been handed down through generations or older, more unique items?

Sell these items at a consignment shop or on Craigslist... again, you lot'll make substantially more.

Type #3. Any item worth more than $100

Anything yous remember is worth more than than $100 should be sold elsewhere (once more, Craigslist or eBay).

Think about it:

When you lot become to a yard sale, do you lot even bring $100 in cash?

People go to grand sales looking for discounted treasures... non nicer, more expensive items.

Preparing for Your Garage Sale: 3 Months in Advance (vi Tips)

The more than planning you do before your garage sale, the smoother everything will go the day of.

What'due south more, certain things (like #2 below), should be done over an extended menses of fourth dimension. So... three months before yous plan to host your garage sale, it's of import to take intendance of these half-dozen garage auction tips:

one.  Ensure y'all can host a garage sale and that you don't need a permit

Local cities and homeowners associations often have laws and rules surrounding garage and yard sales.

For example:

  • You may need a permit
  • You lot may need to give a certain amount of notice
  • Yous might not be able to host a garage sale at all

There are two places you need to check for garage sale rules, laws and regulations:

  1. Local city government – Check their website or visit a local police station.
  2. Home owners association (HOA)– Call your HOA or visit their function.

2. Collect your items and prepare them for sale

Pace #one: Start collecting all the items you desire to sell in one place

In a dedicated expanse of your living infinite, start a pile of the items you lot desire to sell at your grand auction.

Past having all your items in one place, it will exist considerably easier to examine your items, group them, toll them, etc.


I've found the best place to utilize is the garage for three main reasons...

  1. There's more than open up space than other places in the house.
  2. It's out of your way... conversely, if yous put information technology somewhere like your living room, you'd have a big pile of stuff sitting in your living room for 3 months.
  3. It makes things easier on the day of your sale. Just open your garage and motion your items to your driveway or yard.

Footstep #2: Examine your items


Throwing a garage sale is much more than merely getting rid of your junk...

...when you host a garage auction, you lot become the temporary owner of a store. Simply like any store owner would, you lot need to be sure that each item in your store is something people will be willing to spend money on.

So... when you're considering selling an item at your yard sale, inquire yourself these questions:

Is this item junk or a treasure?

If you think an item should get in the trash, then throw it away now because yous won't sell it.

Be objective, but sympathize that this is going to be a tough call... what you may regard as junk…

…might exist someone else'due south treasure.

Is this item clean?

The meliorate your items wait, the better they'll sell.

Here's why:

  1. Imagine you're deciding betwixt two identical items: one is clean and 1 has dirt all over it. Which would y'all purchase?
  2. If your stuff is clean, people will assume you took care of. If people presume you took care of information technology, they'll be much more likely to purchase it.

Pro Tip: No one will buy apparel that are dirty or in poor condition. Wash all dress and throw out any garments with permanent stains or rips and holes!

Are in that location any problems with this particular?

Would you purchase a Boob tube that doesn't plow on or a DVD that doesn't play?

Of course not, and neither will your customers.

So... be sure that all your items are in skillful working condition. Hither are some items to cheque:

  • CD's and DVD's – make sure they play properly.
  • Bombardment-operated items – pop in the necessary batteries and be sure everything is working.
  • Electronic devices that take cords – plug them in and be sure they work.
  • Books – whatever sign of water damage, missing pages or written notes, throw them away.

Stride #3: Packet your items

1 of the most important sales tactics you can utilise at your garage sale is bundling.

Bundling is Marketing 101. If yous want to sell something...

...bundle it with an particular that's related to information technology.

For example, if you have a DVD player, package it with all of your one-time DVDs. While you might just get a few bucks for the DVDs, they'll help you sell the more than expensive DVD role player.

Pro Tip: Discover the original pedagogy manual for as many items as yous can, and display them with the item. It makes the product feel more consummate and, gives the client confidence that yous were a careful owner.

3. Garage sale pricing

So... y'all accept your items in one place, you lot've bundled them into groups and you're ready to add together a cost to everything.

At present:

Knowing how to price items at a garage sale is probably the almost important footstep to garage auction grooming, so closely follow these 3 steps:

Stride #i: Brand a list of everything y'all have to sell

For your listing, I highly suggest you create an Excel Spreadsheet or a Google Canvass. Not only will this go on things organized, it creates a searchable database of all your items.

Make three columns:

  1. A name for the item (try to get in something unproblematic so you can speedily find it via a search)
  2. A price for the item
  3. A notes department (add whatever thoughts on how you're going to sell the item (bundling, discounted toll, etc.)

Step #2: Price your items

The most important thing with yard auction pricing is to be realistic. Customers go to garage sales expecting to observe bargains. If y'all don't give them whatsoever, they'll rapidly leave.

Keep in mind:

While you're hosting this garage sale to make to make coin...

...you lot also want to get rid of this stuff. Annihilation you lot don't sell has to be taken somewhere like Goodwill or packed support and taken into your business firm.

And so... be objective and set up a price yous recall someone volition realistically pay.


While you want to keep your prices realistic, it'south also important to remember that people volition undoubtedly haggle at your sale.

In my experience with garage sale pricing:

Sticker price should be 10% - 20% higher to offset the price drop you'll have from haggling.

Step #3: Estimate how much you'll brand

Estimating how much you stand to make at your yard sale will help you lot set up a budget for your expenses (promotion, set-up materials, etc.) To estimate your revenue, follow these 2 simple steps:

Step #ane: Using your Excel or Google spreadsheet, sum all the prices y'all fix for your items (run into this page if you're unsure how to do this).

Pace #2: To give yourself a conservative approximate, reduce the number from step #1 in a higher place by 40%. While this percent seems high, it accounts for things similar items that don't sell and prices that were unconsciously, unrealistically set.

iv. Label your goods

Past conspicuously marking prices, you won't have customers continually request yous how much each item costs. Non only will this brand running your garage sale considerably easier, it creates a much better shopping experience for your customers.

Get-go, invest in labels that come up pre-printed with prices from your local role supply store or online ($ @ Amazon.com). This will make your sale await more polished and professional person.

At present, aside from adding prices, there are a few other labels yous'll want to add or have on hand:

  1. "Inquire for Toll" – Use these labels for whatsoever item y'all know a lot about (like a laptop, custom golf clubs, specialized tools, etc.). When they ask for the price, it'll give yous a gamble to sell the value of the detail and will make them more receptive to paying a higher price.
  2. "SOLD" sticker - Customers may non always be able to immediately take the item they've bought home(common with bigger items like a lawn mower or exercise bicycle). Have some "SOLD" stickers handy that you can identify on items that were bought, merely not immediately taken.
  3. Printouts - For more expensive or obscure items, find the item on eBay or Amazon, and print out the details page. When y'all fix up your thou sale, put this particular folio next to the detail. Your prices will exist way lower, and it'll make customers feel you're charging a fair price.

five. Get helpers for your auction

The day of the garage sale, you're going to have a lot of things to do:

  • Greeting customers
  • Answering questions on items
  • Handling transactions
  • Bagging items
  • Acting equally security

At present:

If at that place was simply one person at your sale at a time...

...you'd probably be able to handle all of these on your ain... but imagine if there are three or iv people all in that location at the same time. It'd be a cluttered mess.

One of my best garage auction tips:

You need at least iii people to help you on the day of your sale. This will help things run smoothly and will ensure that all of your customers are taken care.

6. Make a plan for items that don't sell


Yous're not going to sell everything at your garage auction.


One of the master reasons to host a garage auction is to become rid of your extra stuff. If you don't sell everything, you don't want to stuff them dorsum in the garage... you want to become rid of them. Here are a few good options:

  • Research online for charities similar Goodwill, find out when you tin can drop items off.
  • Find out if you have any local hospitals or missions that might want donations.
  • Look up your local waste services, recycling centers and dumps, and see what they'll accept.

PS: Below, I'll requite you some strategies to help maximize sales as your garage sale is winding down.

Preparing for Your Garage Auction: 1 Month in Advance (3 Tips)

You lot have you've finished your garage sale pricing, you've signed up a few potential helpers, and yous're ready to beginning finalizing your yard sale plans.

1. Set the official date for your garage sale

Here'due south the bargain:

While picking the date is an important decision, information technology shouldn't be stressful or difficult. Hither are a few general guidelines:

  1. Pick a Sat or Sunday – near of your prospective customers volition have the 24-hour interval off.
  2. Avert holiday weekends – your potential customers will likely be traveling.
  3. Check with neighbors – make sure they aren't having an event the same 24-hour interval that volition have your limited parking spots.
  4. Cheque the long-term weather forecast and detect a sunny day – while these forecasts aren't 100% accurate, they'll requite you a good idea of what to await.

Hither's the bottom line:

Don't overthink information technology. You lot're looking for a sunny Sabbatum that's not on a holiday weekend and doesn't conflict with whatsoever of your neighbour'south events.

2. Fix the offset time for your garage sale

Garage sales beginning early on, 7 AM or 8 AM, and stay open late, often until 6 PM.


In my experience... you will accept "Early Birds." These are customers who ignore your set starting time time...

...and get in early, often during yous're fix.

Hither's the thing:

Early Birds are usually your best, most enthusiastic buyers. Think nearly information technology... they're at that place early, hoping to snap up bargains before everyone else.

Then... capitalize on this prime opportunity with a petty planning:

Set the official opening at viii AM, but start setting upwards the sale at half-dozen AM. That way, you and your helpers tin set up, relax with java, and be gear up at 7 AM when your outset customers, the Early on Birds, arrive.

3. Set the location for your garage auction

Where y'all host your garage sale is hugely important.

Once more, think of yourself like a store possessor... would yous rather your store exist on a busy street with easy parking, or on a remote alley with nowhere to park?

When you cull your location, try to find a identify with these characteristics:

  • Easy to find
  • Close to a primary road
  • Away from any road construction
  • Large enough to display all your goods
  • Plenty of surface area for your customers to park

Once y'all pick a location, hash out it with your helpers... they might know a better spot or a reason why yours won't piece of work.

Preparing for Your Garage Auction: 1 Calendar week in Advance (3 Tips)

But a week before the big mean solar day... information technology'southward fourth dimension to get the word out:

1. Annunciate on relevant websites

Step #1. Find the virtually relevant websites through Google

To find garage sales online, most people will exercise a Google search similar, "garage sale + [their location]".

First realize:

Very few people look past the showtime folio of results.

Knowing this, do the same Google search your potential customers would, "garage auction + [your location]", and focus your time advertising your sale on the websites you see listed on this folio.

You'll usually run into sites like Craigslist at the tiptop of the listing, but there'll also be some smaller and more specific garage auction sites like gsalr.com and YardSaleSearch.com.

Step #ii: Create your garage sale ad

The ad format will change slightly for each different site (Craigslist versus gsalr), but I recommend you create ane "master" ad and adjust it as needed.

At present:

Creating an constructive online garage auction advertizement is like shooting fish in a barrel...

...you just need to know is what information people are looking for:

  • Clearly stated location and times – something similar, "Garage Auction, Sat, 8 AM-6PM at 72 ABC Street."
  • A full general idea of the items you lot're selling – for example, "Kitchen supplies, electronics, DVD's, automobile parts, etc."
  • The big items you lot're selling - for case, "Brand new Kenmore microwave and Crosley record player." These volition finer draw people in.
  • Post images of your nearly popular items – make sure your photos are well lit and in focus.

Pace #3: Post and repost your ad

To maximize your ad's exposure, post information technology on all the websites you lot found in step #1 higher up both seven and again three days before your garage sale.

When you repost your advertising, to go along things fresh, it's a good thought to add a few new photos and slightly mix up the guild.

ii. Annunciate on social media

To reach the largest possible audience, post your garage sale ad on as many social media sites every bit you vest to (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)

Every bit your friends "like" your post, your ad will also attain their friends and family.

3. Advertise in your local newspaper

Pick a smaller, more than local paper to annunciate with.

With this, not merely volition advertizing be more affordable, simply these papers will also sent to your target garage sale customers: your neighbors and the people living closest to where you lot're hosting your sale.

Pro tip: The price of advertising can be loftier if you get too wordy or add images. Stick to the main details like the location, time and a few of your large-ticket items.

four. Prepare your garage auction signs

Footstep #one: Find the all-time locations for your signs

Even though you know your neighborhood similar the dorsum of your hand, take a drive and wait for the busiest routes and the best places to set signs.

Print a map of your area and mark the locations where you desire your garage sale signs to be.

Not only will this volition tell y'all how many signs you need to make, but information technology will also exist a not bad reminder of where to mail service your signs the day of your sale.

Step #2: Make your signs

Your signs are the most important physical slice of the advertisement you have. Non merely practice they actually advertise your sale, but they also help your customers find its location.


Garage auction signs don't need to be anything fancy... but at that place are a few guidelines yous should follow:

  • Utilize thick cardstock or cardboard
  • Use a bright color to depict attention
  • Use arrows to direct and guide customers to your garage auction
  • Make your message curt, in big letters and very legible (think... almost of the people that volition see your signs volition be quickly driving by in a motorcar)

PS: Information technology'south tempting, but don't let young kids assist you make your signs. Remember, these are the most of import slice of your concrete advertisement.

Step #3: Make an extra-large sign

Construct a big sign (that looks like to the signs you lot created above) to tell customers that they've arrived at the right place.

Make it elementary, friendly and inviting... something similar, "Welcome to our Garage Auction!"

Keep in mind:

This is the sign that actually gets people out of their cars. It'south the most important sign y'all'll make... and then have your time.

Pro Tip: Buy a few colorful balloons to identify on your mailbox to draw attending and help people find your garage sale.

v. Prepare the location for your garage auction

The calendar week earlier your garage sale, take some time to inspect the location and imagine how you desire it to look the day of.

Ask yourself these two questions:

Does the location wait presentable?

A good overall appearance shows customers that you take expert care of your habitation... and that'll give them confidence to buy from you.

Program to do the following:

  • Cut the grass
  • Sweep the driveway
  • Clear upward any domestic dog poop
  • Movement anything that yous don't desire to sell, like a kid's swing or a wheelbarrow

Do I have enough tabular array space?

First, I highly recommend you apply waist-loftier tables to brandish your items. They're like shooting fish in a barrel, await professional person and let people to see the items on both the front and back of the table.

Depending on the size of your garage sale, you're going to demand quite a few tables.

Inquire friends and relatives if you tin can borrow their tables or rent tables from a party store.

6. Prepare to handle cash and brand modify

Even though y'all priced your items in easier increments, you're still going to need to give alter

Not just is it going to be a long day, but people volition also frequently hand yous a $20 and expect you to have alter.

Hither's an important garage sale tip:

It'south best to start the twenty-four hour period with at least $100 in singles and fives and $10 in quarters.

Keep an centre on your cash levels throughout the mean solar day...

...and make sure one of your helpers has their machine shut in instance y'all need them to make a quick run to an ATM.

Rather than using a cash box, I propose you get a few cheap money belts ($ @ Amazon.com). This way, you lot won't accept to worry about someone snatching the cash box while yous're helping customers.

Preparing for Your Garage Sale: The Mean solar day of Your Sale (two Tips)

The big day is finally here!

There are just a few concluding preparations to set your yard sale up for success:

1. Get ready for your helpers

If you used my kickoff-fourth dimension recommendation, your garage auction setup is starting early on (around 6 AM.) At this early hour, your helpers will be tired and may not take even eaten.

Then... take some coffee and something to eat ready for them.

Next, make a to-do list for each of your helpers then they tin hit the ground running when they go far (information technology's a good idea to send one to hang the signs, while the balance assistance you with different parts of the setup).

Now... remember:

Your garage sale might last 8-ten hours... be sure to take some food and refreshments set up to keep your helpers going (you can also order delivery).

two. Post your garage auction signs (and balloons)

As early as possible, give ane of your helpers the sign-location map yous created here, and ask them to carefully and securely hang your garage sale signs.

Once they've hung the signs, ask them to a to exercise a final drive-by check to be sure all the signs are visible and guiding arrows are easy to follow.

Put your large sign upwardly at the archway of your garage sale and add your balloons to your mailbox.

How to Prepare Up Your Garage Sale (17 Of import Tips)


Your garage sale is your temporary shop... and if your store doesn't expect clean, organized, and highly professional, your customers will exist turned off and less likely to purchase.

So... pay close attention to these 1 garage sale set-up tips...

...they will make or intermission your garage sale:

1. Set up up your tables in a big U-shape

This volition help create a path that funnels customers from one department of your sale to the next.

two. Cover your table with sheets or tablecloths

These will aid make your sale (and items) look more attractive and professional person. Utilise the same color sheets/tablecloths if possible.

3. Group products together based on their general type

For case... garden tools with garden tools, household goods with household goods, engineering science with engineering, etc.

Like I mentioned above, bundling is 1 of the easiest and virtually effective ways to increase sales.

iv. Sell bundle deals

Sell items that lucifer together (CD'due south and a CD player, tennis balls and a noise, ties and a conform) equally a bundle deal.

5. Create a logical journey

Adjust your different sections to create a logical journey from i section to the next (for case: car parts, adjacent to tools, next to gardening supplies). Just similar your U-shape setup, this will help move customers from one section of your sale to the next.

6. Use informative signs

Use big, easy-to-read signs to tell people what you lot're selling in different locations.

Pro tip: Create some fast signage with a mason jar. Simply write your message on a slice of paper with a Sharpie, thread information technology through the prongs of a fork, and identify information technology in the jar.

seven. Adapt items based on their size

Put taller/larger items towards the back of the table and shorter/smaller items towards the front. This will ensure all your items are visible and easy to encounter.

8. Space out your items

Don't put too much on each table. If you exercise, customers will miss items, and it makes for an unattractive display.

9. Carefully position breakables

Put "breakables" near the center of a table, with space around them, so they can be picked up and put downwardly hands, without falling off.

10. Intelligently position big-ticket items

Locate big-ticket items (like furniture or do equipment) nigh the front end of the sales expanse. They provide curb appeal and volition attract buyers who are driving by.

11. Sell wearable effectively

Don't merely throw your apparel in a box for people to rummage through... it'll be a mess, and you won't sell a single matter.

Instead, create a makeshift garment rack to hang your clothes on past running some rope between 2 trees.

Keep in heed:

Your customers will expect to get the hanger equally part of their purchase, so utilise cheap wire hangers.

12. Bear witness electronics work

Well-nigh people won't buy electronics without first seeing them work.

And then... to prove that your electronics are in good working condition:

  1. Run an extension cord from the house and then you can plow on plug-in items. Be sure to tape down the extension cord so no one trips.
  2. Continue a handful of batteries close for battery-operated gadgets.

thirteen. Clothes up your items

Set up whatsoever detail that compresses or folds upwardly. For case... pitch a tent so customers tin can look inside, or open upwards chairs and then people can sit on them.

Testify people what you have and they'll be more than likely to buy it.

fourteen. Marking everything that'south not for sale

If y'all don't do this, your customers will want to buy your tables, your chairs, and anything else that'due south not nailed down.

xv. Post a greeter/security deterrent

Have ane of your helpers stand near the entrance of your garage sale. They'll welcome newcomers and say farewell to those leaving, but volition too be a presence to discourage thieves.

xvi. Play Music

Fill your iPod or phone with some classic pop hits to play in the background (just similar a real store).

The right music will relax your customers and make them feel more comfortable.

17. Keep your domestic dog in the firm

Not everyone (especially those with small children) loves dogs... no affair how awesome, friendly and fun they are.

How to Maximize Sales at Your Garage Sale (8 Tips)

Your garage auction is underway... your customers are starting to arrive... things are going well.

If you desire to maximize your sales...

...closely follow these eight garage sale selling tips:

1. Let customers wander around

Your customers should know you're there, and that you're available for questions...

...merely shouldn't feel like they're beingness followed and pressured to buy.

two. Let your customers comb

During your sale, people will pick upward your items and move them around.

After all that setup, I know information technology's frustrating...

...simply information technology'due south important to let people go through your stuff, even if they're making a mess of everything.

If you care for your garage auction similar a museum, y'all won't sell a matter.

Pro Tip: Periodically reorganize things to keep your display looking its best.

iii. Talk to customers

Here'southward ane of the most of import things yous and your helpers can exercise can do to maximize sales:

Be friendly:

  • Greet your customers... enquire them how their solar day is going.
  • Ask if they need any help... if at that place'due south annihilation in particular they're looking for.

If someone is relaxed and comfortable, they'll exist more than likely to buy.

4. Emphasize the positive

Even though you may no longer want an item... it may well be the perfect purchase for your customer.

With that, hither's i of the most usually disregarded garage sale tips:

Be positive virtually what you're selling...

...and if they enquire you why y'all're selling something... a adept standard response is that you were given a new one for your birthday.

5. Negotiate tactfully

People go to garage sales bold prices are negotiable.


A customer may make an offer that's perfectly adequate... or they might brand one that's unreasonably depression. Merely know that you lot tin always:

  1. Counter offer
  2. Simply say no

If you lot're looking for a mode to tactfully, but firmly say no, I suggest something like, "I can't drop the price that depression, I'm selling information technology for a friend."

6. Replace items as they're sold

Would you purchase something from a shop with mostly empty shelves?

No... and neither will your garage sale customers.

As your items sell, movement things around to proceed your tables looking full. If y'all need to... consolidate the items from two or three tables onto i table.

7. Check your signs

Effectually 11 AM, inquire one of your helpers to drive around the neighborhood again and check to make sure your signs are still up.

Have them take a couple of extra signs in case any have blown abroad or been moved.

8. Offering impromptu deals during your garage auction

Inevitably, at any garage sale, at that place will be items that aren't selling well.

Most outset-time garage sellers do nothing to increase sales of these items...

...but the experts use a simple, yet incredibly effective strategy to sell them like hotcakes:

Impromptu discounts.

This strategy is even incredibly piece of cake to do:

  1. Selection an item or section that hasn't been selling well.
  2. On a small blackboard or a slice of newspaper, write something like, "Now 50% Off!"
  3. Identify the sign on the table where the bargain is happening and denote the deal to your customers.

Customers dearest it, it adds some excitement to your thou auction, and information technology will jump-start the sales of items that weren't selling well.

Endmost Down Your Garage Auction

You did it! You hosted a fun, successful and assisting garage sale!

There are two remaining things to practise: make clean up and get rid of whatever didn't sell.

PS: Equally a rule of pollex, I like to start closing downwardly about an hour before it gets night.

Garage Auction Clean Up

Bated from cleaning up your grand or your driveway, the biggest matter to accept intendance of is the signs.

Give one of your helpers the garage sale sign-location map you made and ask them to take down and collect your signs.

Getting rid of remaining items

With whatever didn't sell, you have four options:

  1. Keep it
  2. Give it abroad - Post a message to Craigslist that says "Curb Alert", with a brief description of the items, and local people will come pick them upwards.
  3. Donate it - Drop your remaining items off at a Goodwill, local charity or church building.
  4. Trash it- Take information technology to a dumpster or the local dump.

I suggest y'all starting time requite abroad and donate what you can, and then throw away anything you don't want to keep.

In Conclusion


If you want to throw a garage auction like a pro, you accept to avoid the common first timer mistakes. Follow these 39 garage auction tips and you'll have a successful, profitable sale.

Have any other corking tips? Assist fellow garage sellers and share them in the comments department below.


Source: https://www.mantelligence.com/garage-sale-tips/

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